Heather & Jeremy :: Married

Tell me your story!

We met at an after - party for a historical recreation event that we attended. Turns out it's not his cup of tea... He proposed days after a friend's wedding last July on his way to the airport because he couldn't wait any longer. He pulled me out of work, gave me a massive bouquet of flowers while getting down on one knee and asked me to marry him.


Tell me about yourselves. What do you do for work? What are your hobbies? What is one fun fact about each of you?

Heather: I work in transportation at the TJX Companies and mostly fix errors on trucks in our system. I'm part of the SCA which is a historical re-enactment group. Those two things take up 99% of my time. Fun fact: Jeremy: I work in IT at a software company. I run a pod cast show every week and review games and go to conventions. Fun fact: I'm a huge Star Wars fan.


Groom: What do you love most about your partner?

I love the fact that she isn't scared to be herself around me and doesn't expect me to be anyone other than myself either.


Bride: If you could pick one word that describes you as a couple, what would it be and why?

Fun: because we are constantly joking and goofing around and having a good time.


Groom: If you could pick one word that describes you as a couple, what would it be and why?

Quirky: because we are not your typical romantic couple because we are nerdy.


What are you most looking forward to about your wedding day?

Heather: I'm most excited about getting together with all the friends and family we love to celebrate our marriage... and singing in the family band that night

Jeremy: it being over and not having to deal with the stress of a wedding anymore.
