Katrina Sanville :: Senior Portraits :: Barrett Park, Leominster MA

Senior portrait photos in Barrett Park Leominster, MA photographed by Kara Emiy Krantz Photography

What are you looking forward to in the remainder of your senior year? 

I'm looking forward to receiving my college acceptance letters and being able to enjoy the rest of my senior year without the stress of college applications.


What has been your most memorable moment in high school? 

My most memorable high school moment was in choir class when we were singing 'Moon River' from Breakfast At Tiffany's and during rehearsal right before a concert one girl yelled out "WHAT'S THE FIRST WORD?!" The first words to the song are moon river.

Senior portrait photos in Barrett Park Leominster, MA photographed by Kara Emiy Krantz Photography
Senior portrait photos in Barrett Park Leominster, MA photographed by Kara Emiy Krantz Photography

What's next? Tell us your plans! 

I'm going to go to college and study English.


If you won a million-dollar lottery, how would you use it?

I would pay off the debt I will have in the future, buy a house, and save most of it.


 How was your experience with Kara Emily Krantz Photography?

Great! I loved working with Kara, it was such a positive environment.

Senior portrait photos in Barrett Park Leominster, MA photographed by Kara Emiy Krantz Photography